The Walleye Magazine

Our Dear Finale

-Justin Allec

Along the Lines

Capitalizing on post-lockdown momentum, local metalcore act Along the Lines have at long last released a six-song

EP to follow up the excellent “Sanguine” video released two years ago. Our Dear Finale offers that rager of a song, along with five more tracks (and a techy instrumental)—more than enough material to justify destroying stages. Like most ultra-modern metalcore, the real attraction is how well the band plays with dynamics, and Along the Lines do an admirable job. Our Dear Finale is all about extreme contrasts: the pummel of djent-y guitar rhythms, the roaring harsh vocals, the softer sections as pretty as pop, all carefully arranged for maximum impact. The production on these songs is hyper, which lets all the details reach your earholes. I know the band had to wait a while for these songs to reach the masses, but they should be proud of what they’ve released. Hopefully it won’t be another two years before we get more new music from them.

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